Delicious and Healthy Food Recipes, How to Make Cheese Yogurt Fruit Salad

Food —Jumat, 13 Aug 2021 11:44
Delicious and Healthy Food Recipes, How to Make Cheese Yogurt Fruit Salad
Delicious and Healthy Food Recipes, How to Make Cheese Yogurt Fruit Salad


Salad is a food that is classified as a snack. The salad also certainly has quite a lot of fans. In addition to their delicious taste, salads contain vitamins that are needed by our bodies.

One of them is fruit salad which is definitely good for health. This food is usually served cold. But cold or not, this food still has a delicious and healthy taste.

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This food can be consumed anytime and anywhere. This luxury snack can be found in various places to eat or where to buy snacks. But now without leaving the house you can enjoy this one food.

You can make it at home with the following ingredients and steps.

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- 1 white dragon
- 2 apples
- 250 grams of red wine and melon
- 2 pears
- 10 strawberries

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- 100 ml plain yogurt
- 5 tablespoons of mayonnaise
- sweetened condensed milk (10 tablespoons)
- grated cheese

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How to make:
1. Wash and peel all fruit except grapes and strawberries.
2. Dice all the fruit, cut into 2 parts grapes and oranges. Meanwhile, cut into 4 parts for strawberries.
3. Pour milk, yogurt, and mayonnaise on top.
4. Give pieces of grated cheese.

Editor: Putri

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