Delicious Food Recipes, How to Make Green Banana Ice Cream that Refreshes Thirst

Food —Sabtu, 31 Jul 2021 14:49
Delicious Food Recipes, How to Make Green Banana Ice Cream that Refreshes Thirst
Delicious Food Recipes, How to Make Green Banana Ice Cream that Refreshes Thirst - pinterest


Foods that were hit even now are still hits. Because of its hits in almost every area, even on the side of the road, there are many who make this ice cream very green as a business product.

Many make this green banana ice cream a favorite food that is suitable to accompany a hot day. Not a few people like this food made from bananas and given ice cream.

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The sweet and cold taste makes the throat fresh when in the daytime accompanied by the hot sun. Although this food is very easy to find, you can still make it at home with the following ingredients and methods.

leather material:
- 125 grams of wheat flour
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 6 ripe plantains
- green food coloring to taste
- 100 grams of rice flour
- 300 grams of coconut milk

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- 1 tbsp margarine

Marrow porridge ingredients:
- 100 grams of rice flour
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 800 grams of coconut milk

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How to make:
1. Peel the bananas.
2. Make the skin, mix all ingredients except margarine on non-stick Teflon, mix well.
3. Heat over low heat until thick. Add margarine, stir until evenly distributed. Turn off the stove, let it cool.
4. Marrow porridge, mix 400 grams of coconut milk with rice flour, mix well. While the remaining 400 grams of coconut milk is heated to a boil.
5. Mix the coconut milk flour mixture into the boiling coconut milk, while straining. Stir until thickened. Adjust the thickness of the porridge according to taste, turn off the stove.

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6. After the skin has cooled, wrap the banana with the skin mixture using plastic wrap. Steam the green bananas for 15 minutes.
7. Arrange green bananas on a plate, add marrow porridge and ice cream.

Editor: Putri

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