Delicious Food Recipes, How To Make Attractive Purple Sweet Potato Pudding

Food —Kamis, 5 Aug 2021 14:40
Delicious Food Recipes, How To Make Attractive Purple Sweet Potato Pudding
Delicious Food Recipes, How To Make Attractive Purple Sweet Potato Pudding-pinteret


Food is something that humans need to survive. Food also has various types and not all foods can use rice. Usually, Indonesian people eat something without rice the same as not eating.

This one food is one of the foods that fall into the snack category and does not need to add rice. This snack has a sweet taste and soft texture.

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Not a few people like this one snack. In addition to the delicious taste, this snack will feel fresh if consumed during the day. Usually, the local people call it by the name of purple sweet potato pudding.

Pudding usually has a variety of flavors such as chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. However, this time the purple sweet potato will be processed into a unique and attractive pudding. You can try to make it at home with the following ingredients and steps.

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White/Milk Pudding Ingredients:
- 1 pack to swallow plain
- 500 ml vanilla full cream milk (can be replaced with coconut milk)
- 1 sachet skm vanilla
- 1 pandan leaf

How to cook:
1. Mix all ingredients, cook until boiling, and then put in agar molds

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Purple Sweet Potato Pudding Ingredients:
- 2 purple sweet potatoes
- 1 pack to swallow plain
- 750 ml of water
- 2 sachets of vanilla cream
- 6 spoons of sugar
- 2 packs of instant coconut milk
- Salt to taste
- 1 pandan leaf

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How to make :
1. Steam the purple sweet potato then mash it
2. Prepare all ingredients in a saucepan (except purple sweet potato) stir until all ingredients are well mixed
3. Strain the purple sweet potato that has been mashed above the pot until the sweet potato runs out
4. Cook over medium heat until it boils while continuing to stir, turn off the heat but continue to stir for about 5 minutes then pour into the mold over the white pudding, little by little so that the white pudding is not damaged. Cool and ready to serve./put

Editor: Putri

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