Drink Recipes, How To Make Fresh Tomato Juice Healthy Drinks

Food —Senin, 2 Aug 2021 15:41
Drink Recipes, How To Make Fresh Tomato Juice Healthy Drinks
Drink Recipes, How To Make Fresh Tomato Juice Healthy Drinks - unsplash


Everyone has a desire to stay healthy and have a strong immune system. But not everyone can live a healthy life. Actually, you can start a healthy life in a simple way.

This method is said to be simple because you can find it easily. You can consume fruit juices which of course have the nutrients and minerals needed by our bodies.

One of them by consuming fresh tomato juice. Although you can order juice in various ways. You can make it at home with the following ingredients and methods.

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- 3 ripe tomatoes
- 2 large celery stalks
- honey to taste
- 2 tbsp lime juice
- enough boiled water
- ice

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How to make:
- First, wash the tomatoes, then steam the tomatoes for about 4 minutes. To increase lycopene levels in tomatoes.
- Prepare a blender container and add the celery pieces and tomatoes. Add lime juice to it.
- Next, add enough boiled water. Blend the ingredients until they are really soft.
- After that serve in a glass.
- Finally, pour honey over the tomatoes, and add ice cubes. Fresh and healthy tomato juice is ready to be enjoyed./put

Editor: Putri

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