The Meaning of Black and White Plaid Fabric in Bali

Wisata —Jumat, 16 Jul 2021 14:58
The Meaning of Black and White Plaid Fabric in Bali
The Meaning of Black and White Plaid Fabric in Bali - pinterest


The island of Bali has characteristics that make it different from other regions in Indonesia. One of these characteristics is the existence of black and white plaid cloth in Bali. Usually, the cloth is intentionally worn to cover a large tree or statue.

The embedding of black and white checkered cloth in Bali on a tree or statue is done with a certain meaning. Balinese people believe that the activities they do have a specific purpose. They assume that the statue or a large tree that has been covered by a black and white checkered cloth becomes the seat of a certain figure.

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Besides being used to cover large statues in certain temples or trees, this cloth also has other functions. Fabrics with this design are generally also used by security officers in traditional Balinese villages. These officers are referred to by the local community as pecalang.

Black and white plaid cloth in Bali has a very important meaning. The black and white color is believed by the Balinese like the yin and yang of the Chinese people. They also call the black and white color a symbol of rwa bhineda.

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Rwa bhineda in Balinese belief is a representation of two contradictory traits. The use of these two colors provides a balance as it occurs in nature. For example, there is morning and night, good and bad, and such.

The black and white checkered cloth in Bali is not only used as a marker for a stana on a tree or a statue in a temple. You also often find the existence of this cloth that is deliberately placed in a yard. In conditions like this, its function is as a reef guard or protector.

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Coral keeper aims to protect all bad things that attack family members in the house. When there is an attack, the coral guard will move and ward off it. As a result, the attack will return to whoever sent it.

In addition, the presence of black and white poleng cloth on a tree in Bali also has a positive impact on the environment. The existence of this tradition prevents the community from cutting trees indiscriminately. Therefore, it is not surprising that you can easily find large, shady trees in Bali.

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In addition to finding the existence of black and white plaid cloth, you need to know that there are also several types of cloth that are also included as poleng cloth. You can find sudhamala poleng cloth as well as tridatu poleng cloth. These two types of Balinese poleng have different colors.

Poleng sudhamala cloth uses white, gray, and black colors. The presence of gray in this poleng has a function as an intermediary between white and black. Meanwhile, Poleng Tridatu consists of three colors, namely black, red, and white. The three colors represent the Tridharma in Hindu belief.

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The white color in the poleng tridatu represents Lord Shiva with his calm and wise nature. The color red has a dynamic meaning and is full of energy like Lord Brahma. Meanwhile, the black color represents Lord Vishnu.

Editor: Putri

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