The Abandoned Hotel PI Bedugul Bali and Keeps a Mystical Story

Travelling —Minggu, 11 Jul 2021 19:26
The Abandoned Hotel PI Bedugul Bali and Keeps a Mystical Story
The Abandoned Hotel PI Bedugul Bali and Keeps a Mystical Story - pinterest


If you hear about Bali, you will imagine the beauty of the beach with waving waves along with the natural charm around it and even imagine a world-famous tourist attraction. It turns out that Bali not only saves natural beauty or tourist objects but also keeps mystical stories in it.

Bali is still thick with beliefs and cultures that have been passed down from generation to generation to this day. Actually, all places in Indonesia and even the world must have a mystical story.

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Just like one hotel in Bali which was built with a spacious and magnificent size. However, this hotel is not operating until now.

At first, there were those who found this hotel to have been neglected in a completely neglected state. With a building this wide and abandoned, there must have been someone who lived there first besides humans.

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It is said that this hotel has been around since the 90s. This hotel is not operating because the workers who built the PI Bedugul hotel died there and there are always casualties in the process of building this hotel.

Not even sure who the owner of this building is. What is certain is that this building has been abandoned and untouched by humans.

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According to local people, there are many watchmen in this hotel, one of which is a woman who is always around this building and always teases men who pass through this area.

Not only that, there were voices that sounded crowded and a lot of people. But sadly no one was there.

Editor: Putri

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