Revealing the Myth of the Legendary Kuyang Ghost in Kalimantan

LifeStyle —Sabtu, 26 Jun 2021 14:46
Revealing the Myth of the Legendary Kuyang Ghost in Kalimantan
Revealing the Myth of the Legendary Kuyang Ghost in Kalimantan (pict:pinterest)


It was trending in the community and there was a lot of discussion about kuyang. This Kuyang ghost is known to the public from Kalimantan. With various beliefs that are still very strong in Indonesia, people believe that Kuyang is not an ordinary ghost.

According to local people's beliefs, this kuyang is the incarnation of a woman who demands the teachings of black magic. This woman wants to have eternal life so she uses Dark Arts.

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This kuyang ghost has almost the same shape as a woman in general but has no body, arms, and legs. Kuyang has only seen the head and organs hanging.

Based on the story circulating in the community, Kuyang can release from his body. During the day Kuyang looks like an ordinary woman. When the night kuyang parted from his body and went around looking for birth blood or baby blood.

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To fight kuyang usually use brooms and household furniture. Kuyang died when his body was found and put sharp objects in his neck. So that Kuyang can't come back with his body.

According to the story, Kuyang in Kalimantan has a magic oil called Kuyang Oil, in the local language, it is called Langa Kawiyang or Kawiyang Oil, Sumbulik Oil, or Kuyang Oil.

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It is said that is the source of Kuyang's supernatural powers. According to the myth, ordinary humans who are exposed to Kuyang Oil can turn into these creatures.(pu)

Editor: Putri

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