Corn Grontol One of the Almost Extinct Foods, Here's the Explanation

Food —Kamis, 10 Jun 2021 11:16
Corn Grontol One of the Almost Extinct Foods, Here's the Explanation
Corn Grontol One of the Almost Extinct Foods, Here's the Explanation (foto:pinterest)


Indonesia is famous for its diversity of cultures, beliefs, and culinary arts. One of the Indonesian culinary delights that is quite popular among the public, but did you know that this food is one of the extinct foods? This food is known as corn grontol.

You need to know that the original name of this food is grontol. This food from Central Java was quite popular in its time.

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These snacks are usually sold on the roadside at very affordable rates for school children. This food is certainly favored by the people of Indonesia regardless of their social status.

Grontol is a traditional food made from boiled corn and grated coconut. This food was popular in the 2000s under another name corn milk cheese. Therefore, corn groans are not well known to many people.

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This cheese milk corn is almost the same as grontol but the difference is this cheese milk corn does not use grated coconut but uses grated cheese and additional sweetened condensed milk.

This corn groin has a philosophy. This food describes a person's thoughts. Like a corn plant, one's mind must be watered, nurtured, and cared for properly.

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A person's thinking can turn into a negative if it is not cared for and maintained properly. Like corn plants need soil that is hoped, water is even guarded and cared for.

Corn seeds that have been planted must be covered with soil. This means that the corn kernels must bear the burden of the piled-up soil. Since corn is grown to get out of the heap of earth it certainly needs water.

If it is able to come out, it will become young corn, but to grow and become more valuable it must be fertilized. Likewise with one's thoughts. (put)

Editor: Putri

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