The beauty of Pura Besakih, the Largest Temple in Indonesia, Located in Bali

Travelling —Selasa, 1 Jun 2021 12:59
The beauty of Pura Besakih, the Largest Temple in Indonesia, Located in Bali
The beauty of Pura Besakih, the Largest Temple in Indonesia, Located in Bali (foto:pinteres)


Tourism in Indonesia is indeed diverse, one of which is tourism in Bali, not just one or two. This time DEPOSTBALI will explore one of the tourist attractions in Bali, namely Pura Besakih. The temple is located in Besakih Village, Rendang District, Karangasem Regency, Bali, Indonesia.

This temple is a complex consisting of one central temple (Penataran Agung Besakih Temple) and 18 companion temples (1 Basukian temple and 17 other temples).

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Besakih Temple, apart from being a place for Hindu religious activities in Bali, is also a tourist attraction on the island of the Gods, Bali, which is popular in the East Bali area or the Karangasem Regency area.

This temple is one of the largest temples and a holy place. This temple is the center of Hindu temples in Bali. In addition to its sacred place, the surroundings are also surrounded by soothing natural scenery.

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This tourist attraction is quite popular with the provision of tourist services. The concept of this building expresses Tri Hita Kirana, which is an important belief of Balinese Hindus, where life in this mortal world must be in harmony, harmony, and continuity between human life and nature, between each other and God. So that human life in the world becomes peaceful.

When you visit this temple you will also see the beauty of Mount Agung in the morning or evening sun.

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An inscription says Besakih Temple was built in 1284 by Rsi Markandeya and his followers. But there are also some historians who believe that the forerunner to Besakih Temple has been built since 163 AD, long before Borobudur Temple and Prambanan Temple were founded by the Hindu Mataram Kingdom.

The construction of the temple complex at Pura Besakih is gradual and continuous with ongoing restoration and repair efforts from time to time. Reported from

Editor: Putri

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