One of the Popular Balinese Culinary is Turtle Satay with Spicy Seasoning

Food —Minggu, 6 Jun 2021 16:01
One of the Popular Balinese Culinary is Turtle Satay with Spicy Seasoning
One of the Popular Balinese Culinary is Turtle Satay with Spicy Seasoning (foto:unsplash)


One of the culinary that is quite popular and unique is turtle satay. This food is typical of Bali. Maybe you think that this turtle satay is made from turtles.

This turtle satay is not satay made from turtle meat. Turtle is one of the protected animals in Indonesia. This turtle satay comes from pork.

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At first, this satay was called turtle satay because the sellers who sold this satay were pacing back and forth on the beach. That's the way to get the turtle satay to buy, that's why it's called turtle satay because the way of selling it is back and forth like a turtle.

However, this turtle satay is no longer being sold on the beach. This food began to be sold in stalls and stalls in remote areas of Bali.

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This food is a favorite culinary for tourists with its unique taste. Turtle satay is usually served with chili seasoning and salt.

Even though it only uses two spices, this turtle satay is delicious to eat with its spicy and savory taste coupled with the tenderness of the pork.

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Initially, this satay was made from turtle meat, but over time, turtles became difficult to find, so many turtle traders started selling using pork.

Apart from being difficult to find and endangered, the content in turtle meat is also high in cholesterol.(put)

Editor: Putri

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