The Mystery of the Bali Festival Park, a Performance Place that Turns into a Spooky Place

Travelling —Selasa, 29 Jun 2021 11:18
The Mystery of the Bali Festival Park, a Performance Place that Turns into a Spooky Place
The Mystery of the Bali Festival Park, a Performance Place that Turns into a Spooky Place - screenshot/yt


Every place has a story, a building is believed to absorb the energy of the past. Wherever and whenever humans live, they are not alone, without realizing it, there are invisible creatures around us. Especially in buildings that have been neglected for years, such as the Bali Festival Park.

The Bali festival park was originally a playground similar to Dufan. This place was built in 1997. This place has a building that is used as a show, a 3D theater, a zoo. Nature tourism and even artificial mountains.

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This place used to look fun, but now it's turned into a spooky one. In 1999 this place is no longer operating. From 1999 until now, the Bali festival garden has been neglected. The cause of this place is closed due to bankruptcy.

This playground has a fairly majestic area, just imagine if this place was neglected for approximately 22 years. Maybe now this place is already inhabited by many creatures other than humans.

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This place became neglected and even experienced a fire in 2012. According to the Denpasar City Disaster Management Agency, on December 10, 2012, at 15:20 WITA, there was a fire in this area.

The area of ​​the building that was burned at that time was about 3x12 meters. With an abandoned state and a tense atmosphere. There are still many people who dare to visit it.

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This place still has a pretty interesting attraction so that tourists come just to take pictures. Although this building is old and not roofed.

the condition of the building that is not roofed and even neglected, makes this place seem horror. This burned building remains the framework of the building.

According to local people's stories, this building caught fire because someone was burning trash there, then because the wind blew and the fire spread.

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In addition to buildings that look pathetic and burnt. This Bali festival park also has many animals that are left alone. If you visit this place, you have to be careful because there are still crocodiles that roam even the color of the water is red.

There are several animals and crocodiles here that have been sent to the zoo. But stay alert because there are still animals that are left there to breed and live freely in nature. (put)

Editor: Putri

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